Player Recruitment

If you are interested in joining the Sealand Seahawks please fill in the short form below and we will get in touch when we are recruiting for upcoming games. Please note by completing this form you accept that this in no way secures a position on the roster

    Basic Information

    Enter your full name

    Enter a valid email

    Where are you located

    Player Data

    Select your primary position played

    Select the Sealand team you are interest in playing for

    Please give some details of you playing experience, list teams in the following format an separate each team onto a different line with the latest team at the top of the list: London Lions (Adult) - 2020-present Vatican Popes (National Team) - 2006 Bradford Buzzards (University) - 2004-2020

    Other Information

    Do you have a current tie to the Sealand Seahawks organisation?

    If you have other comments or questions feel free to detail them here

    Sealand Seahawks
